Friday, September 5, 2014

Through the lens of Jessica Stafford

Everyday we experience beauty, whether it be by loving gestures from others,
the perfect 'no-filter' beauty of nature or  moments that cannot be repeated.

It takes a fine eye to capture these experiences in pixel form, and Jessica does not lack this. Miss Stafford, a Medical BioScience student, born in East London and raised in Cape Town, is known for seeing and capturing the beauty in things we sometimes do not notice or take for granted at times. She has an obsession with flowers (which a lot of us can relate with) and would love to do a florist course after she completes her Bsc degree. 

The passion she has for sharing moments with the world of Instagram has caught the eye of over 1000 followers. Her photography has been appreciated by popular instagram accounts such as City of Cape Town Skies , and has featured on the City of Cape Town account, and many others.

Reflection series 2/3 by: Jessica stafford

Jess's reflection series is of her most popular work. "I took this picture because the reflection was just so breathtaking!" she said with glossy eyes. Her passion for photography and everything beautiful shows on every post. Sharing moments and love does not stop on social media but overflows to the streets. Jessica and her boyfriend Kirk Hanslo have started The Movement , an outreach project to create smiles and share joys across Cape Town by visiting underprivileged areas and gifting things which once brought us happiness to those who would appreciate it most. 
Kirk with the kids of Dunoon 
Smile of a cutie

Though the lovely Jess is just as alluring on the outside as within, finding a selfie of this English rose is as rare as a pink moon. Luckily I'm skilled at finding hidden/rare material ;)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, motivation comes from within and inspiration comes from without. 
There is not a doubt in my mind that the quotes which accompany some of Jessica's amazing images would inspire you and bring forth motivation within yourself. 

Do yourself a favour and follow her instagram account @jessbinxx and get involved with The Movement (for more information contact Jessica at

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Stance - Genesis Shirindza

Our connection was so strong like we were standing at a wi-fi spot,
Wife - I called you when I spotted you from a thousand miles,
Vanessa Carlton is how I needed you, I couldn't miss you because my eyes couldn't even wander away from you and my heart did the Carlton dance because of your fresh princess Stance.

I tried to comprehend with what I was about to apprehend - and an Apron in the hand - is not what you represent
because what you present
was already present
when I entered your presence.

Your stance was so strong the world tried to Harlem shake you but you had your Ephesians on and like David they questioned your dance...
Choreography so intricate they had to double-take
You could swear you were an Angel because of your Gleam, covered in linen ephod
You were so Clean
All they could do was sit in the crowd and just SCREAM, - !4! - They tried to kill you
But you just kept side - stepping
Not minding how blind you were stepping because your Faith was so STRONG...
You could never end up in the wrong..

No exercise, No supplements
Just meditation, like buddha in the tibetan mountains you were so high from the word to bet all your life on HIM
And with all that was left you implemented the word
In the beginning there was The Word and that's how you began Your day
HIS day
Was what You were waiting for... To take your place on the throne next to your Father who cherished you like his queen and because of that you never perished..
However never just on the shelf like baked beans - No,
You always met the needs of the people, Like Hadassah, a queen of the nations.

A Woman of God - Warrior. OF. Man.


I've always had a tiny-big obsession with this piece since the first time I read it. Genesis, whom I consider a good friend of mine is an all-round talented , humorous and wise young man. 
Follow him on :
YouTube - Crazy talented dancer! 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The ying to my yang

With the roar and strength of a lion, and the submissive, obedient heart of a lamb.
Like a ying-yang symbol we represent strength and weakness, humbleness and pride, dominant and submissive, but not good and evil.
In our weakness He is our strength.
In our pride of being royal we are made humble by His power.
We take dominion over our lives and the land we walk but submit our lives and the land we walk to God.
There is no bad in God. There is no evil in Him. " And I have created you in Our image..."
By the bending of our knees and bowing of our heads we stand as strong soldiers in spirit.
You are made perfect. Your imperfections are perfect. Your pigmentation and wrinkles are beautifully placed speck of colour and skin curls to show your living years. Choose to look at yourself in all goodness and wonder.
One of my favourite quotes : " Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? " - Marianne Williamson.
Made perfect by The Perfect.
With love ♡

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Soul Sharing

One's nakedness, emotional, spiritual and mental nakedness is so sacred. 
The damages that come along, when sharing your physical and sexual self with someone or people who don't KNOW and LOVE the sacredness of you, goes oceans deep.
Don't give away pieces of yourself when you not sure that it will be highly treasured. 

Know God's love first then you'll find true romantic love or it'll find you.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Oh My Garden - Aaron Jade Jacobs

Whatever pops up in your life is a result of seeds that have been sown.There's no running away from this SOMETIMES harsh reality.

Though it may not seem that way, nothing ever just pops up out of the blue, whatever happens is a result of seeds that have been sown.

See your life as a garden and whatever you have in life is like fruit hanging from tall beautiful trees or mini, cute, little shrubs or ugly, harmful weeds and thorn bushes.

Believe it or not, everything (each thing) in your garden began with a seed that was sown. If you could take a look at the timeline of existence, you'd see that SEEDS have been landing in the soil of your garden, some of them before you were even born.

If you are reading this,  I'd have to assume that you are of a tending age. This simply means that you can begin to actively look after your own garden. So I'll skip past the part that we all had no control over and jump right into the current existence of our gardens.

The good news is that from this point on, ALL the controlling factors of your garden begin with YOU. The seeds that are sown, the soil they are sown into and the way that they are watered and looked after, all begin with you. The problem is that most of us fail to recognise this and leave TOO MUCH to chance (or 'whatever happens, happens' attitude). 

There are too many things going on in our gardens that we don't know about. Too many things we UNKNOWINGLY permit. Too many seeds we sow without considering the fruit that will eventually "pop up" in our lives. Too many seeds we hold back without realising the beauty and pleasure we are depriving our gardens of.

How we go about tending our gardens is our responsibility and I'd encourage every reader to go and study and find out more about how to do so.

Steps Up My Ladder - Ps. Tracey Veenendal

Just want to share a "little" of my journey 

•I've learnt that God is not a respecter of person,that my past does not define me or my future, that His love for me is unconditional and unstoppable, that  nothing and no one could ever compare or separate from His Agape Love!

•I've learnt that even though I didn't have faith in myself  ,God did &  does, He has a "Yes" on my life (Jer 29v11)

•I've learnt that being a Christian doesn't mean life will be perfect (hunky dory lol) that it has its challenges but God is with me as I  go through & grow through them, with Him I'm  guaranteed to be victorious (life is amazing with God shoo)

•I've learnt that in life the people closest to you will disappoint  you, hurt you, even betray you (even Jesus had a Judas in his life,so what makes us think we won't have one?) But I've also learnt that God brings healing and  restoration and people are in your life for a reason.

•I've learnt that failing at something doesn't mean I'm a failure, I need to get up,own up, grow up and do it again... I don't drown because I fell in the water, I drown because I stay there...and the good news is that God is a God of new beginnings!

•I've learnt that  sometimes its ok to not be ok, that in our weakness He is our strength (His grace is sufficient)but I've also learnt that I'm responsible to stir myself up, I have to take responsibility!

•I've learnt that there is power in prayer and positive words. (pray,pray,pray)

•I've learnt that God's grace is amazing , He forgives me when I mess up, but I've also learnt that my decisions today affects my tomorrow, there are consequences (good or bad) His grace is given to us as an empowerment (not to abuse or an excuse)

•I've learnt that  not everyone that asks or needs your advice will take it, not everyone are open to receive correction but you continue to pray and love them.

•I've learnt that people are different, personalities, values, strengths but I've learnt we need each other, there is power in the right company, as a team we accomplish great things for God (iron sharpens iron)

•I've  learnt that inside me is  everything He wants me to be, He created me perfectly, I am nothing without Him,I  cannot and will not be separated from the one who created me!

• I've learnt that I cannot live without His word ,I need God's wisdom...I need His presence daily and He has given me the Holy Spirit to be all that I need to walk in His perfect plan.

•I've learnt that sometimes I need to get out of my comfort zone,  life doesn't happen by chance it happens by change ,change is good but  we need to make it happen, we learn, we persevere (with the right attitude) and we keep on keeping on (work now, play later!)

•I've learnt that I need to be faithful, available, submissive and  teachable  if I want to see increase and see the supernatural operate in my life

•I've learnt that I might be the only bible people read , I need to be an ambassador for Christ,shining my light for others to see ,I represent Christ, everyday and everywhere, I don't decide who and when.

•I've learnt that I cannot be a pew warmer, I have been assigned to go forth an make disciples,serving is not what I do,its who I am(its not a job ,I don't get to retire)its a lifestyle,commissioned to love and love always wins!

At some point I have to stop here ,many things I've learnt and I'm still learning...I'm a work in progress, we all are but I end with saying this:

He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End but He is also everything in between. I'm beyond grateful that my name is written in the book of life, now, its my choice to walk and live life in abundance..

I choose life!

'Be The Change 'Too'' Day

There are times when we need a bit of a reminder of who we truly are, what we mean to God and how amazing He is.

The people we have in our lives play a very important role in how WE CHOOSE to live our lives.
The day-to-day struggles / lions / demons / mountains we face is there for us to overcome, and all we need at times is a bit of a push, a single match to light that flame of Faith.

One doesn't need to have everything in ones life all put together to help someone else feel good, encouraged or inspired. "If you are over 18 and have common sense, you have something to offer (to the world). If you have read a book, you have something to offer. If you've taken a walk or put on one shoe at a time, YOU'VE SOMETHING TO OFFER!!" - Jill Scott.

Cherish those who take time in sincerely ensuring that you are doing okay, send you a warming message when you come to mind and those loving ones who show acts of kindness towards us and others even if/when we feel undeserving. Today's generation has a lack of appreciation which results in watered down friendships and selfish living people. As the saying goes: 'If you want to see a change, you have to be the change'.

                                                           LOVE & RESPECT.

Striking Spoken Word

On 16 June 2014, I attended the P4CM & Speak Life 5 'Show'.
This 'show' was everything but a show as the performers , namely poets Ezekiel Azonwu, Janette McGhee and other local talents, engaged very well with the audience.

It was a spectacular evening with beautifully talented singers, rappers, poets and MC's. The evening not only had these performances but also great sing-along-songs as ice breakers, good humour and an awesome praise session. 

The audience was diverse with different aged and cultured people who all had one thing in common : The love for Spoken Word and God given talents. 

One of my favourite Janette Ikz pieces is 'I will wait for you' :
Click here to watch and listen :) , enjoy!

Oh, and how handsome is Ezekiel !?
Check his Dear Man, letter from satan poem, or watch it below :

Just so you know who...

My life is all about love.

In all its forms ~~~> fullness and health.
It's all about LOVE.

My love for people is endless and my love for laughter goes valleys deep.