Just want to share a "little" of my journey
•I've learnt that God is not a respecter of person,that my past does not define me or my future, that His love for me is unconditional and unstoppable, that nothing and no one could ever compare or separate from His Agape Love!
•I've learnt that even though I didn't have faith in myself ,God did & does, He has a "Yes" on my life (Jer 29v11)
•I've learnt that being a Christian doesn't mean life will be perfect (hunky dory lol) that it has its challenges but God is with me as I go through & grow through them, with Him I'm guaranteed to be victorious (life is amazing with God shoo)
•I've learnt that in life the people closest to you will disappoint you, hurt you, even betray you (even Jesus had a Judas in his life,so what makes us think we won't have one?) But I've also learnt that God brings healing and restoration and people are in your life for a reason.
•I've learnt that failing at something doesn't mean I'm a failure, I need to get up,own up, grow up and do it again... I don't drown because I fell in the water, I drown because I stay there...and the good news is that God is a God of new beginnings!
•I've learnt that sometimes its ok to not be ok, that in our weakness He is our strength (His grace is sufficient)but I've also learnt that I'm responsible to stir myself up, I have to take responsibility!
•I've learnt that there is power in prayer and positive words. (pray,pray,pray)
•I've learnt that God's grace is amazing , He forgives me when I mess up, but I've also learnt that my decisions today affects my tomorrow, there are consequences (good or bad) His grace is given to us as an empowerment (not to abuse or an excuse)
•I've learnt that not everyone that asks or needs your advice will take it, not everyone are open to receive correction but you continue to pray and love them.
•I've learnt that people are different, personalities, values, strengths but I've learnt we need each other, there is power in the right company, as a team we accomplish great things for God (iron sharpens iron)
•I've learnt that inside me is everything He wants me to be, He created me perfectly, I am nothing without Him,I cannot and will not be separated from the one who created me!
• I've learnt that I cannot live without His word ,I need God's wisdom...I need His presence daily and He has given me the Holy Spirit to be all that I need to walk in His perfect plan.
•I've learnt that sometimes I need to get out of my comfort zone, life doesn't happen by chance it happens by change ,change is good but we need to make it happen, we learn, we persevere (with the right attitude) and we keep on keeping on (work now, play later!)
•I've learnt that I need to be faithful, available, submissive and teachable if I want to see increase and see the supernatural operate in my life
•I've learnt that I might be the only bible people read , I need to be an ambassador for Christ,shining my light for others to see ,I represent Christ, everyday and everywhere, I don't decide who and when.
•I've learnt that I cannot be a pew warmer, I have been assigned to go forth an make disciples,serving is not what I do,its who I am(its not a job ,I don't get to retire)its a lifestyle,commissioned to love and love always wins!
At some point I have to stop here ,many things I've learnt and I'm still learning...I'm a work in progress, we all are but I end with saying this:
He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End but He is also everything in between. I'm beyond grateful that my name is written in the book of life, now, its my choice to walk and live life in abundance..
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