Sunday, July 20, 2014

The ying to my yang

With the roar and strength of a lion, and the submissive, obedient heart of a lamb.
Like a ying-yang symbol we represent strength and weakness, humbleness and pride, dominant and submissive, but not good and evil.
In our weakness He is our strength.
In our pride of being royal we are made humble by His power.
We take dominion over our lives and the land we walk but submit our lives and the land we walk to God.
There is no bad in God. There is no evil in Him. " And I have created you in Our image..."
By the bending of our knees and bowing of our heads we stand as strong soldiers in spirit.
You are made perfect. Your imperfections are perfect. Your pigmentation and wrinkles are beautifully placed speck of colour and skin curls to show your living years. Choose to look at yourself in all goodness and wonder.
One of my favourite quotes : " Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? " - Marianne Williamson.
Made perfect by The Perfect.
With love ♡

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