Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Chocolate Cookie

So upon reading this the first time, I felt the need to share it. Whether it be by reciting it at one of my Residence's cultural talent show thingys or by posting it on my blog. 

Besides not being a woman of black African ethnicity, which wouldn't make the point of this poem come across the way it should if I had recited it, I also felt that reading it yourself would make it that much more personal and effective. 

A problem that we find among the youth and community of black south africans, is that sometime (really don't want to offend anyone so I'm trying to be careful with my words) the visionistic, determined, smart, talented and dreamer individuals are not supported as much as they could and should be. This is not only by people of their ethnicity but also by others of a different race. 

Everyone has the right to dream and do their best in making that a reality. We (the fortunate bunch who are able to even use the internet) all were given the opportunity to an education that would provide us with way more skills than reading and writing. 

Chocolate Cookie - Genesis Shirindza
They say that's how the cookie crumbles...
So I mumbled a couple of recipes on how I was gonna make some dough: I was gonna be someone some day but they laughed and called me oreo..
So I twisted my personality to be like them!
So I Licked the ground to be like them!
So I dunked myself in sin to be liked by them! 

When I took a bite I still tasted nothing like me..
Because I thought by being more like them I'd become me..
Not realising that in them is me all twisted back ...
You went on to call me a coconut.

Stats say there's a 1 in 250 million chance that you can die from a coconut hitting you..
If you had aks-I would've dropped 250 million times to try and make you understand that a coconut is a fruit.. A delicious, thirst quenching good for skin fruit, so if in any way you meant that I'm a fruit I would've never turned out the way I did..
Coz you kneaded me, rolled me out, shaped me and filled me with the belief that I was never good enough but.. weirdly I was still empty.. 

But that's how the cookie crumbles.. So I crumbled..
And you never checked your heat in the oven that you put me in so..
I crumbled..
And I still mumble.. I'm gonna make some dough one day..

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